Karin Pritchard
Karin troll
all other aliases can be found at the top of the blog which provides more insight into the Karintroll
Karin is a woman who circulates on facebook and other forms of social media.
the reason i write this is because i would like to warn people of this woman and her online activities.
Karin goes by many names but the most common are KBF, Karin Bacardi Fein, Karin Pritchard.
this is a link provided for a blog that was published back in 2012 by another unlikely victim of what a can only refer to as the KarinTroll :o
Karina likes to use what is known as Alt accounts which are Alternative accounts to her real identity
Karins most commonly know Alt is Gabriella Barney as seen in this link Provided here that has capps to systematically point Karin out.
At first the Karintroll will present herself as a victim but we shall take a further look into the more shadowy figure that lurks behind the smoke screen of lies, defamation of character, malicious campaigns and delusions that cause her to make wild accusations in a bid to form hate mobs against her targets via malicious communications online or harassment to their real live's.
karin seemed to pop up in this article referring to the cougar movement in 2007 where women in there 40s and 50s^ was dating men in their 20s for a bit of excitement, in this link provided it explains how Karin was one of these up and coming cougars who attract younger men online.
this is karin on a itv program about internet troll's
that seemed to fail so instead she set up her own dating website called dating psychos which is basically a list of everyone the KarinTroll doesn't like on internet.
be care full because if you meet the Karintroll and she doesn't like you then you will also end up as a dating psycho profile and the conclusion i have drawn is that Karina does not like many people at all.
or you could end up with 2 ;o
this profile really makes me laugh tbh
this profile is a bit more concerning as it is labeling as a RACIST TROLL o;
this is either one of the above profiles that was changed or another that was created which is awful imo due to references but then again it is the KarinTroll we are dealing with.
Karin popped up around 2000 in an article.
this article was about mothers of children with down syndrome and the struggles of schooling or acceptance to schools.
it must be hard for any parent to see their child left out or treated unfairly in any circumstance as as parent we want to protect our children and give them the best life we possibly can.
this is an article from 2008 where you will find her in the comments sections as Karin Pritchard.
this is more commenting of Karins scattered over the internet.
Karin's commenting to reader as her profile pictures are to young men who are on heat.
this is a 101 tactic calling troll when in fact it is the caller who is trolling.
the reason this is done is to gain attention or de rail the commentor by making them prove they are not a troll in a bid to gain as much personal info as poss if able.
tell us who the Troll is again Karina ???
these are just examples of the type of commenting found when cross referencing the KarinTroll via google.
this i the kind of reply Karin will normally get
karin uses many alts this is just one she used to make vile comments on facebook to someone else with a down syndrome child
this is a scenario where Karin befriended a profile called Eric Sims in Anonymous UK the facebook group.
The eric sims scenario was a profile who came into anon uk and was white knighting, Karin attached herself to him inbox quite immediately, this scenario has more to be added but for now lets take a look at the cougar in action.
Oh my i say :o
oh Dear :o
this is a youtube clip provided that gives more of a running commentary on the karintroll.
revert to caantfax for more on the scenario
here is a phone convo between Karina and a stranger she met online provided in this link,
NOTE what she says to the stranger about her own daughter ????? to me this really is odd behaviour.
this capps from a conversation last year around the time pictures of my children with addresses attached was shared in groups on facebook by trolls from anonymous UK, at the time i had NO CLUE who was doing this until i stepped back and looked at things for what they are as opposed to what someone was telling me.
in this conversation karin is trying to convince me a that a policeman is Trolling me by sharing pictures of my children, karin seems to completely go around in circles with defamation of character, threats of suing papers and wild accusations based on her hatred towards a profile named Jamie Card. i will let the transcript speak for itself for now unless anything arises or someone points something out which you can leave in comments section below.
maybe or possibly???
well that's that solved then ???
here is the link that karin provides
note the link dont work due to someone reporting it for copyright??? copyright of WHAT i may ask ???
she wants blood for what they did to her child
suggests she may pay someone to hack!!!
isn't that illegal ???
cue the name levett
alllll these names......with all dues who is she going on about as i have NO idea ^^^
cue the name Rimel
cue the accusation
where is this screenshot karin as you have never produced it???
this is where Karin talks about a woman called Lisa Parker.
Lisa was attacked by trolls who auctioned her children via facebook.
you can find the full story to lisa's episode in this link provided.
note she karin suggests she stays clear of them.....i.e she lurks in everyones inbox about them.
it continues....
really only 2 so that really narrows it down now ???
so a ta guess you would say the person sharing sharing pictures of children is LEE RIMEL :o
wow this lee sounds really mean ??? :o
90% sure well strike me down i think we bagged the bugger seen as though only 2 people refer to you as karina as no one else has the ability to string the word karina together via their interwebz
100% YOWZA we bagged the swine...the man going around sharing pictures of people's kids are non other than the mega troll RIM himself.............NOT!!!!!!
this is karina offering copy n paste of the Reznik trolls comments in a bid to further convince of lee being the kiddiepic sharing culprit.
in fact what Reznik had just typed there was true as Karina is obsessed with a bloke called Jamie Levett who she thinks is Jamie card :o
oh so because the Reznik Troll wrote tell Karina Hi it 100% Lee Rimel...the copper i might add.
no he didn't he got a caution because nothing actually happened apart from a page he made in the name of cuthbert.
just so you know mr zukerberg that KBF uses your social media to entrap people in a bid to sue you.
yeah someone wrote karina so therefore it is 100%......delusion if you ask me plus from what i gather from now since then is EVERYONE in trolling circles KNOW WHO YOU ARE KARIN :o
must be.....NOT
NOTE in this next capp she says that the trolls put her on a weird sex site......wasn't dating psychos by any chance now was it Karina ???
ok so what evidence now do you have Lee is a bent cop or is that another fantasy ?
ok well i cant back Rim up for being a Perv cos most blokes are tbh its just what type of perv your ok with i suppose lol
when did he hack brooke's ??? has that ever actually happened or been proven ???
answer NO.
it continue's.....
Note >karina probably told him i was cuthbert<
i.e karina is probably blaming this on lee.
then she goes on to suggest a troll is not clever enough to type the word karina when referring to karina further trying to implicate lee.
Karin mentions the woman called Nicola Brookes
the irony ^
have you filed your case against him yet karina
karin mentions the women Nicola Brookes again then goes on to mention the guy Jamie Levett who she thinks is a Troll called Jamie Card.
by this time it had became clear a situation had occurred on facebook that made the news back in 2012 when the nation was outraged by Frankie Coccozas Haircut...???
it continues.....
here is an example of Karin's arrogance shining through
note she used her favorite word which you will soon gather what it is.
when did karin work with journalists one might ask ?
This is a picture of Karina's that was pastebinned by Anonymous (as per)
the photo has been edited for this blog as the original clearly show's the child.
NOTE: on closer inspection of the capp provided by Karina you will notice The facebook group she is in called FUCK EDL........ :o
then if you look in the section what google link's she is veiwing you will notice another alias and 2 dating psycho page's that are open :o
who got cautioned i would like to ask ?
karin is renowned for giving out phone numbers so i doubt lisa gave any Trolls anything
the irony :o ^
this is where Karina turns as no one wanted to listen to her and her accusations
of innocent people no more, a bit like what happened with lisa i.e she didnt want to hear it any more
really that's strange because later in this blog i will show how Karin turned so nasty you actually encourage anonymous trolls and campaigns for social sevices to take me spudz.
no Rimel didn't do it with hes reznik account it was anonymous trolls from Karin's favorite group anonymous UK.
now we have proved lee isn't reznik due to the fact lee was willing to speak openly about the situation even though he was on hes holiday at the time and the fact EVERYONE KNEW that Reznik was nothing to do with laee and was actually a troll from Anonymous UK
CUE Jagger aka Pete aka Alfred the troll from anonymous UK
Note subs plot another anonytroll
yes Jagger is Alfred correct
Anonytrolls do like talking to themselves that is true as they do it when they are alting i.e pretending to be 3different people.
here is an example of Karina talking to herself as gabriella barney on a go fund me she made.
link to the gofundme which is a fraudulent campaign
and it continues.......
so basically alfred aka jagger was trying to make out it was lee and deflect the truth away from anonymous UK trolls.
tell us moar about these things you are not proud of and your cunning deceptive skills
karin blocks then unblocks all the time when she is playing different faces
really how does karin know that about lisa ??? why because lisa didnt want to listen to her no more and her obsession with Jamie Card
Note she used the term upper class as Karin think's she is rich and everyone else is council estate scum from jeremy kyle
where are these logs...??? never happened ???
im guessing by now you can see she is full of it because if there was anything to offer to back any of these claims I WOULD SIMPLE.
in the next capp Karin States she is Baiting Jagger a troll from anon uk who shareds pictures of peoples children on facebook.
that is because LEE IS NOT REZNIK
>pretending< lololol yeah right
REALLY oh ANTES wow are they here to save us ????
no infact they made matters worse as you will see in other posts on the Blog.
in fact anties are trolls and the worst kind if you ask me.
thats funny cos if i recall the gabriella barney profile is backed up by I.D from google searchg
NOTE Karin was reporting the trolls who was sharing kids pic's, this enraged the Trolls so they post MOAR
cue the paranioa
Rimel never hacked into Brookes PC where is the proof of that.
was that even ever suggested ???
no rosie E-Mailed you as the E-mail address was not Karin's daughters it was an E-mail address that Karin had provided when she set up an Facebook account in her Daughter's name
Again no one E-Mailed Karin's daughter it was an E-mail that Karin had set up to make a fake account when she was pretending to be Her own daughter who has down syndrome.
and there Karin goes again pointing the finger at lee for WHAT??? someone E-mailing a E-mail address that Karin herself set up in a Bid to pretend to be her own daughter on facebook.
HANG ABOUT??? karin has been very specific so what has changed ???
maybe she was asked a specific question ???
cue the paranioa
that is when Karin decided to Block again then within an few hours decides to unblock ???
oh so its a new lee whos controlling the Reznik account now
is he ???
really karin ??? is that what they all say ???
again no proof offered
that is if Karin has any real life friends
so karin taped all those convos that would confirm these people who Karin speak's of really are scum and that what Karin is saying is True......???
simple there isn't any
in this next capp Karina Refers to her daughter saying she was upset at what the trolls had done ??? with all dues how does her daughter even know???
my guess is karin is making that up ^.
who would show their kid something they dont need to see or who would make something like that up ???
oh the IRONY ffs ^
Karina has just DOXXED herself ^
no Karina we have just shown that you created a facebook account in your own daughters name so now you are pretty much admitting that you was adding your daughters school friends to the account also :o
so now Karin is running around telling the mums at her daughters school that trolls are trying to add their children when all that happened is karin got caught out using an account made in her own daughters name
again the irony is through the roof ^
again i would like to know who the person that got a caution was due to Karinas so called vigilante online investigation ???
my guess its whooodini
to spread vicious rumour
obseesion with Jamie levvet ^
FOR the life of me Karin really is serious about this.....how is she going to deal with Levett when she sees him.........maybe CUBAN STYLE!!!!
may just add at this point LEVETT has no clue about any of this vicious rumour created by Karina, anties and anonz that he is Jamie Card :o
ffs now she wants to record levett the poor bastard and i am not jesting this woman is dead serious about it
these next capps are between her and rebecca NOTE the use of karins favorite word again
it just goes ON
and ON
and ON
and ON
please dont tell, when people say that they generally have something to hide ^
and ON
and ON
and ON
it wasnt jagger who created it that page was created by Joss and it was took it down without your help thank_you
it seems there was a history behind this vicious circle which eats up anyone who gets caught up in its trap as you will see in other parts of the blog.
that will conclude this part of the blog for now.
i will just leave this here, Karina professes to have a degree in psychology which will be shown in other parts of the blog, when you cross reference karin and psychology look what name comes up LOL